Type Figure
This project’s goal was to help me realize that typography should be part of design and layout consideration just as much as photos, illustrations, color, paper, etc. We started with a photo of our choice and had to brainstorm how to best portray the shapes and message we wanted. It stretched my thinking and ability in using it, and showed me what could be done.

Research & Brainstorming
Before we can make anything, we need to have an idea of what we want. I spent a good amount of time searching through pictures and poses, seeing what spoke to me and what I felt could make a good composition. It was a narrowing down process that turned out very rewarding. I then looked at examples ad type work and stencils so I could understand the look I was going for and how I could get there. I also wrote down ideas of what phrases I could write and create with to see what I felt would work best for the image and the message.

Blocked Type Figures
Once I had the two pictures with the poses I wanted, it was now time to break them down and figure out how I could express them through type. I first had to find the basic shapes of both of the poses, simplifying them so that it was easier to see how I could express those shapes through words alone. Once I figured out the shapes that expressed the pose well, it was time to experiment! I messed with size, position, and more with the type, seeing how I could express volume and shapes with type alone. I had a very fun time with this step.

Initial Computer Area Studies
When I figured out on paper how I wanted to set up my type figure, I then moved on to working on the computer. I took two areas I know would give me more trouble then others and began experimenting again. I tried different type fonts, different type sizes, and more, putting them together to see what best expressed the form I was wanting. It took some work, but I got to a place I was very happy with.

B&W Computer Progression
With the problem areas figured out, I was now able to apply what I liked best to the whole figure. It took a long time, but it was fun as I made every path of text to shape the form of this tough lady. After getting everything into place, I printed out the piece so I could get good physical look at it and get some feedback on how I could make it even better.